20. Maijs, 2024. Venta, Selva, Salvis
Pāru kaujas

Lielie mači Lietuvā

Pirmajam lielākajam atklātajam turnīram sadūšojušies Lietuvā, aicinot uz spēlēšanu arī tuvākus un tālākus kaimiņus. Turnīra nosaukuma izvēlē organizatori ir iztikuši bez lielvalsts ambīcijām, maija vidū "Sostiniu Golf Club" piedāvājot pacīnīties Lietuvas Golfa federācijas turnīrā.

Rīkotāju sastādītais reglaments liecina, ka turnīrā nav handikapa ierobežojumu, un tiek gaidīta ap 100 golferu (dāmu un kungu) līdzdalība. Ārzemniekiem plānots atvēlēt ap 40 vietu.

No 12. līdz 13. maijam plānotajā turnīrā tiks spēlētas divas kārtas pa 18 bedrītēm ar katu pēc pirmās dienas. Otrajai dienai kvalificēsies aptuveni 60 labākie. Pirms turnīra 11.maijā ir paredzēta treniņdiena.

Laureātus apbalvos sitienu spēlē kungiem un dāmām, kā arī HCP neto spēlē trīs atsevišķās grupās. Nolikums attiecībā uz handikapa grupām gan ir sarežģītāks. Ja neviens kādā HCP grupā nekvalificējas spēlēšanai otrajā dienā, uzvarētāju nosaka pēc pirmās dienas rezultātiem. Ja kvalificējas viens, viņš automātiski tiek pasludināts par grupas uzvarētāju. Acīmredzot pat tad, ja savā grupā HCP neto ieskaitē viņš nav pirmajā vietā. Šāda iespēja augstāka handikpa grupās nav tikai teorētiska, jo kats, domājams, ir paredzēts pēc stroke rezultātiem, līdz ar to HCP neto ieskaitē augstākā vietā pēc pirmās dienas rezultātiem var būt spēlētājs ar sliktāku stroke rezultātu un augstāku handikapu. Taču tiem, kas ir gatavi cīnīties par uzvaru sitienu spēlē, šādi līkloči nemaz neinteresēs.

Lai katram ļautu izburties cauri nolikumam, tas publicēts zemāk. Reģistrēties turnīram var līdz 7. maijam.


To be played at

the Capitals golf club

12th- 13th May

1. Tournament executive objectives and goals

  • to popularize golf in Lithuania;
  • to improve golf players’ skills and golf level in Lithuania;
  • to motivate golf clubs’ for educating perspective young golf players’, who will represent their golf club and Lithuania in foreign countries; 
  • to motivate foreign golf players to participate in Lithuanian golf tournaments;
  • to communicate with foreign golf players and golf federations, associations.

    2. Competitors information

  • The capitals golf club

    The capitals golf club is located 30 minutes from Vilnius airport. Designed by Peter Chamberlain, built around eight lakes. The Capitals golf club is professional golf course. A challenging 150 Ha, par 71, 67 bunkers, 18- holes championship golf course.

  • Contacts

    Lithuanian golf federation

    Didžiøjø Lapiø k.,

    Didžiøjø Lapiø sen., Kaunas district.

    LT- 54400

    Tel (+370 37 ) 47 02 37

    Fax: (+370 37) 206112


    3. Registration                                                                                

    Registration begins on March 15th till May 7 th.  

    Participants can register and ask questions:

                by email:

                by telephone 8 611 20132 Tomas Pranevicius                                                                                        

    4. Competition place, time and conditions

    Tournament shall be decided by stroke play and stroke net systems according to the groups over 2 rounds of 18 holes each day, in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, and in accordance with the Local Rules approved by the Tournament Committee.

    There will be 18 holes cut. After one round the leading 60 players and ties will qualify to play the final 18 holes round. Approximately 40 international and 60 Lithuanian national competitors shall eligible to compete.

    5. General rules 

    -Tournament will follow „The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews“ golf rules and local the Capitals golf club rules.

    - It will be obligatory for all competitors in the tournament to play with a ball which appears on the current R & A list of confirming golf balls.

    - All players can have own caddie (1 person).

    - Competitors are allowed to use golf carts.

    - Golf cars are not available.

    - GPS devices are not allowed to use.

    - Any competitor who arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within five minutes after his starting time, shall incur a penalty of two strokes.

    6. Practice rounds and facilities

    The golf course will be available for competitors to practice on from 11th May. Players are required to book the tee times for practice through Lithuanian golf federation + 370 611 20132.

    The practice range at the golf club holds 30 players, there is also chipping green, bunker practice area and putting green.

    7. Trolleys

    Trolleys are available at the cost of 3 EU per round. This must be booked by the Lithuanian golf federation. + 370 611 20132 .

    8. Dress code

    Normal golf dress rules apply no jeans or training shoes are allowed and all shirts must have collars.

    9. Tournament categories and format

    All participants will be divided in these categories:

    1.   Main (all golf players are participating) stroke play;                    

    2.   Man (HCP 0-12) stroke net;

    3.   Man (HCP 13-24) stroke net;

    4.   Man (HCP 25-36) stroke net;               

             5.   Woman stroke play;

    On the first tournament day all participants are competing.

    On the second tournament day 60 golf players are competing. There will be 18th hole cut.

    If happens so that any golf player from certain group will qualify for the second day, then the winners will be nominated by the first day’s scores.

    If happens so that only one player from a certain group will qualify for the second tournament day, then he will  win the first place automatically. All other players from his group will take places according to first day’s scores.

    If happens so that 2 players from a certain group will qualify for the second tournament day, then they will compete for the first and second places. The third place will be nominated by the first day’s  score.

    10. Tournament organizer and manager

    Lithuanian golf federation  holds and manages tournament.                                                                                                                                    

  • 11. Awards

    1.   Main (all golf players are participating)     1,2,3 places;                

    2.   Man (HCP 0-12)                                         1,2,3 places;

    3.   Man (HCP 13-24)                                       1,2,3 places;

    4.   Man (HCP 25-36)                                       1,2,3 places;

    5.   Woman                                                        1,2,3 places;                                      

      Special nomination:

                  Nearest to the pin (first tournament day);

                  Longest drive (first tournament day);

                  Birdie nomination (player, who will make a birdie on the first hole, will be awarded with Lithuanian golf federation  prize. If more then one golfer will get birdie on the first hole, then the prize will be given to the player who will have better 18 holes score (second tournament day).   

                  PAR nomination (4th, 8 th, 13 th, 17 th holes must be played on PAR. If more then one golfer will play all four holes on PAR, then the prize will be given to the player who will have better 18 holes score (second tournament day).                                                                                                              

    12. Hotel accommodation

    All players expected to meet their own expenses. Lithuanian golf federation recommends Reval hotel Lietuva in Vilnius. Rooms at the hotel can be booked through the internet page: Lithuanian golf federation tournament 2007 participants will get 35 % discount.            

    13. Participation payment

    All players pay green fee (approximately 43.5 EU per 18 holes round).

    Organizer leaves possibility to change tournament conditions theretofore notifying golf players.    

  • Pēdējās izmaiņas , 17.04.2007.

    Dienas foto jautā

    Pēc "Jūrmala Golf Club & Hotel" nākamais laukums Latvijā taps

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